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but different

Employer Led Programmes

At North East Futures UTC, we believe that each student’s destinations are as important as the pathways towards them. That is why we provide every opportunity for our students to shape their careers path alongside gaining the relevant qualifications.

Our Employer Led Programmes take into consideration everything a student will need before entering the world of work including how to write an application letter and effective interview techniques.

We sometimes call this unique part of our school 'UTCness'

Work Experience

Our Work Experience Programme is just one of the ways our students develop their skills and utilise the industrial nature that is embedded within North East Futures UTC. In Year 10 and in Year 12, students apply for a placement in an environment that suits their career interests.

This opportunity offers them a great insight into what life is like within a certain career and gives our students an incomparable sample of the world of work.

By being able to call on industry professionals to provide placements, North East Futures UTC students are in the almost unique position of gaining experience of their chosen workplace before they achieve the relevant qualifications. 

Career Talks

Students at North East Futures UTC are able to gain a genuine understanding of specific sectors and employers from our regular Career Talks. Experienced professionals provide our students with information on their background and career pathways, giving them a personal insight into a particular industry and the different directions their careers could take.

Project-based Learning

During a Project Day, our students are presented with a real life industry problem by one of our core partners and are tasked with coming up with a solution. This gives our students a hands-on approach to learning and skills application.

Our partners offer on-the-ground support with the projects, giving guidance, ensuring our students are engaged and working towards a viable solution to the issue in hand.

Projects have been provided by the NHS, Ubisoft, Sage, Enigma Interactive and many more business partners who want to support the young people at the UTC. These projects allow our students to develop their understanding of a range of different industries and employable skills, including working as a team, communication skills and seeing a project through to its completion.

Mentoring Sessions

Throughout their time at North East Futures UTC, our 6th Form students receive regular mentoring from an industry professional.

Twice termly meetings (totalling six hours per year), help students gain real insight into the world of work.

Practical advice is given about employer expectations, first impressions and interview techniques, as well as CV and personal statement writing. Our mentors bring valuable ideas, as well as help to build self-esteem and confidence to our students.

Apply to become a Mentor

If you’d like to know more about our Employer Led Programmes, please contact Charlotte Murray at [email protected]