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but different

Register interest in NE Futures UTC

Register interest now for September 2024 or 2025.

Please note we are at full capacity in our current Y10 & Y11 cohort. If you register interest to transfer your child, they will be added to an expression of interest waiting list. 

Moving to a new school is a big decision and the UTC team is on hand to answer all of your questions.

Next Steps

After you register interest in the UTC via our online form we will contact you to request further details such as a School Report. You will then be invited to the UTC to meet one of our Senior Team members for an Admissions meeting.

In the meantime we advise families to connect to the UTC via social media to keep up to date with all the latest UTC news and upcoming events.

Register Interest Here

The form will take no longer than 5 minutes to complete. If you have any problems or require more information then please contact us at 

About the Applicant
Which year are you (or your child) applying for?
What is the current year you (or your child) are taking at school?
Does your child have a special education need?
Does your child have an Education Health & Care Plan issued by your Local Authority?
Are you in the process of applying for an EHCP through your Local Authority?
Guardian's Details
Where did you hear about us?
Review & Apply



  • Register your interest online
  • Meet the UTC team to discuss your interest in a place at the UTC
  • Expressions of interest should be received by January 31st. The offer stage takes place from February onwards.
  • If offered, attend various sessions and activities at the UTC to prepare for your September start including a transition day in July

Have you?

  • Got all of the information you need to see if the UTC is right for you
  • Contacted us if you want to find out more
  • Registered interest at
  • Met the UTC team to discuss your interest in a place at the UTC
  • Received your offer of a place
  • Accepted your offer of a place