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Support, Guidance and Safeguarding


At North East Futures UTC student safety comes first. If you are worried about a student at the UTC then please contact us straight away.

Concerns can be raised about any safeguarding matter such as abuse, exploitation, missing education or neglect.

All UTC staff are trained in Keeping Children Safe in Education. The Safeguarding lead is Steve Goad. The Safeguarding deputies are, Dan Sydes, Jade Hutchison and Claire Waugh.

Any concerns about a member of staff would be reported to the Principal, Dan Sydes. Telephoning the school on 0191 9179888 is advised.

Any concerns about the Principal should be reported to the Chair of Governors Derek Marshall.

[email protected]

Any emergency concerns that need to be raised outside of school hours please contact the Newcastle Local Authority Out of Hours Child Protection line 0191 2787878 or email [email protected].

For more information please see the Child Protection Policy on the Policies page.

Pastoral care

Students are in Tutor Groups and they meet their tutor every day for 20 minutes. Students should first speak to their Tutor if they have any worries or issues.

The Pastoral Team that support Tutors are on hand if more support is needed including refferals to our on site counsellor or external agencies.

A big part of our pastoral programme is guiding young people towards their future careers. We  help Year 12 students decide between our two most common destinations: Apprenticeship or University.

We support 6th Form in the UCAS process and encourage visits to Universities. We also support 6th Form in finding great Apprenticeship opportunities and throughout the recruitment process.

Year 11 students are supported on their pathway to 6th Form. We offer a guaranteed place in the UTC 6th Form and we help young people manage their applications if they choose to go elsewhere for their education.

Tutor Time

All students have a daily tutor period of 20 minutes. Tutors are there to support young people if they are struggling with anything from stress, to relationships to issues outside of school. Your Tutor will refer to other professionals if further help is needed.

The tutor is the first point of contact for parents or students for most concerns. Regular attendance, behaviour, academic progress checks will take place in Tutor Time. 

Tutor time is used to support the learning of social, moral and cultural issues, to help the individual to appreciate their value and understanding of each other. This is a time when issues that are of concern for an individual or group can be addressed and discussed without fear of judgement.


All students receive a weekly Personal Development session where they follow a non-exam curriculum consisting of Ethics, Finance, Sex and Relationships Education, Drugs Education, Careers education, Radicalisation Education and more. These topics prepare young people for life in modern Britain.

Our topics have been carefully selected to match the PSHE syllabus and to complement other parts of the curriculum. We also incorporate topics which are current and of interest to our industry partners for example Medical Ethics.

In addition to our Personal Development session, we schedule outside speakers to come into the UTC and work with the students on specific topics.

Radicalisation advice for parents

At North East Futures UTC we pride ourselves on celebrating and promoting diversity. We also recognise that in today’s world young people are faced with many pressures as they grow up and can often be influenced by strong feelings expressed by others. Our concern is that all our students feel safe and also express tolerance towards all cultures and religions even when personal views may be different.

The PREVENT strategy is designed to protect people potentially at risk of being radicalised. There are many indicators that may possibly mean that an individual may be being adversely targeted by an extremist group or cause, such as:

  • Suddenly changing how they dress or their appearance.
  • High absence rate from school with no clear reason.
  • Losing interest in friends or activities not associated with a particular ideology, with their behaviour becoming focused on an extreme idea or cause.
  • Possessing or being associated with material or symbols associated with an extremist cause, being in communication with suspected extremists
  • Use of the internet or other social media sites associated with extremism.

North East Futures UTC fully endorses the PREVENT strategy that:

“Schools can help to protect children from extremist and violent views in the same ways that they help to safeguard children from drugs, gang violence or alcohol. Their purpose must be to protect children from harm and to ensure that they are taught in a way that is consistent with the law and our values.”

“Schools have an important role to play in PREVENT, particularly in ensuring balanced debate as well as freedom of speech. They also have a clear responsibility to exercise their duty of care and to protect the welfare of their students. Staff can identify and offer support to students who may be drawn into extremism.”

Please be reassured that all of our students are given information on staying safe in the school and wider community and are told about appropriate behaviour in terms of their day to day conduct and when using technology. We do follow up and refer any inappropriate or concerning behaviour and work closely with a range of other agencies, such as the police and social care. Our Safeguarding team are always available to discuss any issue you as parents/carers may be concerned about – please contact if you have any concerns.


The UTC promotes the use of technology to support learning. All students must sign up to our Acceptable Use Agreement and our Pastoral programme includes E-Safety training to support students being safe online.

For advice on E-Safety visit Think U Know – a UTC-approved site dedicated to supporting families with e-safety